Hey everyone!
This week has been productive, and we’re preparing more for our demo at unveiling!
In engineering this week, we completed the bumpers using the foam tiles! We also began assembling the structural components of the elevator, using the design that we decided on last week. We were able to take advantage of the nicer weather on Saturday and took our robot outside for a test drive, confirming that our engineering and programming teams came together to give us controlled movement! We did see a few small bugs to fix, which we have been working on this week.
On the business side, our t-shirt and button designs are being finalized and have been sent for pre-production. We officially made our nomination for the Woodie Flowers award, and are now working on the essay to describe how this mentor demonstrates the values that Woodies Flowers represents. Lastly, the invitation design for our unveiling event was decided upon and now we are finalizing the finer points before we send that off to Staples for printing!
That’s all for this week! Thanks for swimming by, and we’ll have another update soon!
Hey everyone!
We had an amazing third week of build season! Despite losing a meeting due to the weather, we’ve been very productive throughout our various divisions!
The engineering team completed wiring our drive base and have been working on getting Swerve drive operational via code. We’ve continued construction on our elevator, finalizing the design we will be using. Additionally, we’ve begun construction of our bumpers. This year, foam tiles are allowed, so we decided to stray from our usual pool noodles to try out some new padding! We hope to finish constructing the bumpers within the next few meetings and then get to testing! We’re excited about the pace we’re working at this year, and hope to have the bot competition ready by unveiling, or very close!
Our business team finalized the sponsor side of our t-shirts and sent those to our crafts team for production. In addition, we made a big push to email local companies closer to our new location about sponsorship opportunities.
Since moving to this location, we have been slowly adding some personal touches here and there. A big addition was the logo we installed on the door to the engineering side, giving it a homey feeling! We’re looking forward to seeing what other decor we can add that will continue to make this location feel right at home.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! We’ll have another update in the next week, see you soon!